InSIS is a partner in the new Horizon2020 project OceanNETs, which will explore the feasibility, risks, and co-benefits of ocean-based carbon dioxide removal.
In addition to urgently needed reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, efforts to maintain global warming under 1.5-2°C are likely to require the use of Negative Emission Technologies (NETs) to remove atmospheric carbon dioxide at scale.
Most policies and scenarios for the development of NETs focus on land-based methods. There are large gaps, however, in our understanding of interventions that would increase the capacity of the oceans to absorb and store carbon.
Funded by the European Union, OceanNETs will explore whether a range of ocean-based carbon dioxide removal options can play a substantial sustainable role in medium-to-long term pathways for climate stability.
Research at InSIS will examine criteria and conditions for the social acceptability of ocean-based NETs, exploring how local communities, stakeholders and policy-makers understand the potential risks and benefits of these interventions. Our work includes also the design and analysis of deliberative methods for appraising the feasibility of field experiments.
OceanNETs is led by colleagues at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel, Germany, and includes partners in Norway, Spain, Germany, UK and Australia:
For more information about the work to be conducted at InSIS, contact Javier Lezaun
This project is supported by