Journal Articles
Giraldo-H, CE (2017). Review article: Religion beyond belief, shamanism beyond religion. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. 23 (4) 823-826
Haines, S., Imana, C. A., Opondo, M., Ouma, G. and Rayner, S. (2017) Weather and climate knowledge for water security: Institutional roles and relationships in Turkana. REACH Working Paper 5, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK.
Lopez, A., and Haines, S. (2017) Exploring the Usability of Probabilistic Weather Forecasts for Water Resources Decision-Making in the United Kingdom. Weather, Climate, & Society, 9(4):701-715,
Bellamy, R., Lezaun, J., and Palmer, J. (2017) Public perceptions of geoengineering research governance: An experimental deliberative approach. Global Environmental Change. 45: 194-202.
De Campos, A.S., Hartley, S., de Koning, C., Lezaun, J., and Velho, L. (2017) Responsible Innovation and political accountability: genetically modified mosquitoes in Brazil. Journal of Responsible Innovation.
Haines, S. (2017) Imagining the Highway: Anticipating Infrastructural and Environmental Change in Belize. Ethnos (online). DOI:10.1080/00141844.2017.1282974
Lezaun, J. and Muniesa, F. (2017) Twilight in the leadership playground: subrealism and the training of the business self. Journal of Cultural Economy. 10(3): 265-279.
Chapters in Books and Proceedings
Lezaun, J. and Barandiaran, X. (2017) The Mondragon Experience. In: J Michie et al (ed) The Oxford Handbook of Mutual, Co-Operative, and Co-Owned Business. Oxford University Press.
Lezaun, J., Marres, N., and Tironi, M. (2017) Experiments in Participation. In: Clark et al (eds) The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies, 4th Edition. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.
Heyward, C., S. Rayner, J. Savulescu 2017 Early Geoengineering Governance: The Oxford Principles. In D. Kaplan & J.B. Callicott (eds) Technology and the Environment, MIT Press, Cambridge MA
Review Articles, Encyclopedia Entries, Editorials, Working Papers and Commentaries
Rayner, S. 2017 Global Environmental Change. International Encyclopedia of Anthropology: Anthropology Beyond Text. Wiley, Chichester
Rayner, S. 2017 Wicked Problems. International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth and Technology. Wiley, Chichester