2007 Publications
Journal articles
Heimo, T., Saramäki, J., Onnela, J-P., and Kaski, K (2007) Spectral and network methods in the analysis of correlation matrices of stock returns, Physica A 383, 147-151.
Hultman, N. E. (2007). "Can the World wean itself from fossil Fuels?" Current History: 376-383.
Hultman, N. E. (2007). "To Arbitrate or to Advocate?" Science 317(5840): 900-901.
Hultman, N. E. and Koomey, J. G. (2007). "A Reactor Level Analysis of Busbar Costs for US Nuclear Plants, 1970-2005." Energy Policy 35(11): 5630-5642.
Hultman, N. E. and Koomey, J. G. (2007). "The Risk of Surprise in Energy Technology Costs." Environmental Research Letters 2(3).
Hultman, N. E., Koomey, J. G. and Kammen, D. M. (2007). "What History Can Teach Us about the Future Costs of U.S. Nuclear Power." Environmental Science and Technology 41(7): 2088-2093.
König, A. (2007). "Towards safer foods and more democratic decisions: Is this a contradictory goal?" Oléagineux, Corps Gras, Lipides 14(2): 92-99.
Kumpula, J.M., Onnela, J.-P., Saramäki, J., Kaski, K., and Kertész, J. (2007) "Emergence of communities in weighted networks", Physical Review Letters. 99, 228701. (pdf) 29-11-07
Neyland, D. (2007). "Achieving Transparency: The visible, invisible and divisible in academic accountability networks." Organization 14(4): 499-516.
Onnela, J.-P., Saramäki, J., Hyvönen, J., Szabó, G., Menezes, M. A. de., Kaski, K., Barabási, A.-L. and Kertész, J., (2007) "Analysis of a large-scale weighted network of one-to-one human communication", New Journal of Physics 9 : 179. (pdf) 28-06-07
Onnela, J.-P., Saramäki, J., Hyvönen, J., Szabó, G., Lazer, D., Kaski, K., Kertész, J. and Barabási, A.-L. (2007) "Structure and tie strengths in mobile communication networks", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 104, 7332-7336. (pdf) 01-05-07
Ostry, A., Maggi, S., Tansey, J., Dunn, J., Hershler, R., Chen, L. and Hertzman, C. (2007). "The Impact of Physical and Psychosocial Work Conditions on Attempted and Completed Suicide Among Western Canadian Sawmill Workers." Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2007 35(3): 265-271.
Pielke Jr, R. A., Prins, G., Rayner, S. and Sarewitz, D. (2007). "Lifting the Taboo on Adaptation." Nature 445: 597-598.
Rayner, S. (2007) The rise of risk and the decline of politics. Environmental Hazards, 7(2), 165-172.
Rayner, S. and Prins, G. (2007). "Time to Ditch Kyoto." Nature 449(25): 973-975.
Reed-Tsochas, F., Uzzi, B. and Amaral, L. A. (2007). "Small-World Networks and Management Science Research: A review." European Managment Review 4: 77-91. (PDF)
Saramäki, J., Kivelä, M., Onnela, J-P., Kaski, K., and Kertész, J (2007) Generalizations of the clustering coefficient to weighted complex networks,Phys. Rev. E, 75 027105.
Sarewitz, D. (2007). "Does Science Policy Matter?" Issues in Science and Technology Summer: pp. 31-39.
Sarewitz, D. and Pielke, R. A. J. (2007). "The Neglected Heart of Science Policy: Reconciling supply and demand for science." Environmental Science and Policy 10(1): pp. 5-16.
Smith, D.M.D., Onnela, J.-P. and N.F. Johnson, (2007) “Accelerating Networks” (PDF), New Journal of Phyics. 9 181. 28-06-07
Woodhouse, E. and Sarewitz, D. (2007). "Science Policies for Reducing Societal Inequities." Science and Public Policy 34(2): pp. 139-50.
Chapters in Books and Proceedings
Caswill, C. (2007). Reasons for Continuity Pressures for Change: The scope for fresh thinking peer review. 'Peer Review: Its present and future state' Czech Science Foundation. Prague, Czech Science Foundation: pp. 149-156.
Davis, T. and Schneider, T. (2007) ‘Making sense of health foods: A historical analysis of food advertising in The Australian Women’s Weekly in the three post-war decades’, In: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Food Studies, edited by M. Koc, R. MacRae and K. Bronson. Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited.
Hultman, N. E. (2007). Carbon Sequestration. Encyclopedia of Energy Engineering. Capehart, B. New York, Marcel Dekker: 125-129.
Hultman, N. E. (2007). China's Keystone Role in International Energy Politics and Climate Policy. Understanding the Paradoxes in China's Energy Efficiency Trends: Comparative analysis in global and national context. Zheng, X. N. Stuttgart, Ibidem Press.
Hultman, N. E. (2007). International Climate Policy. Encyclopedia of Energy Engineering. Capehart, B. New York, Marcel Dekker: 137-142.
Hultman, N. E. and Kammen, D. M. (2007). Equitable Carbon Revenue Distribution Under and International Emmisions Trading Regime. Reclaiming Nature: Environmental Justice and Ecological Restoration. Boyce, J. K., Narain, S. and Stanton, E. A. London, Anthem Press.
Hultman, N. E. and Staudt, A. (2007). Global Climate Change. Encyclopedia of Energy Engineering. Capehart, B. New York, Marcel Dekker: 760-770.
Ramirez, Rafael, K. Medjad (2007) "When Strangers Meet - Scenarios and the Legal Profession" in Scenarios for Success, B. Sharpe and K. van der Heijden (eds.): Chichester: Wiley.
Ramirez, R., K. van der Heijden (2007) "Scenarios To Develop Strategic Options: A New Interactive Role For Scenarios In Strategy" in Scenarios for Success, B. Sharpe and K. van der Heijden (eds.): Chichester: Wiley.
Rayner, S. (2007). 'Creating a Climate for Change: The influence of Luther Gerlach in Critical Thinking about Climate Policy'. Cultural Analysis and the Navigation of Complexity. Brandt, L. K. Lanham, Maryland, University Press of America.
Managing Tomorrow's People: The Future of Work to 2020
The Scenarios team assisted PricewaterhouseCoopers executives in their thinking about the future of people management. The resulting report describes three possible scenarios. (download report)
Caldarelli, G. and Vespignani, A., Eds. (2007). Large Scale Structure and Dynamics of Complex Networks: From information technology to finance and natural science. Complex Systems of Indisciplinary Science. London, World Scientific.
Caswill, C. (2007). Participation, Representation, and Delegation: Back to the rough ground in the governance of science. EGENIS Conference on Governing Genomics, University of Exeter, January.
Darley, V. and Outkin, A. V., Eds. (2007). A NASDAQ Market Simulation: Insights on a major market from the science of complex adaptive systems. Complex Systems and Interdisciplinary Science. London, World Scientific.
Davis, T. and T. Schneider (2007) ‘Gastro-anomie and the diet making nexus: The social construction of health foods in The Australian Women’s Weekly over half a century’, in European Advances in Consumer Research, Volume 8, edited by S. Borghini, M. McGrath and C. Otnes, Milan, Italy: Association for Consumer Research. http://www.acrwebsite.org/volumes/display.asp?id=13940 (download PDF)
Hultman, N. E. (2007). Geoscience and International Decisions on Adapting to Climate Change. Geotimes.
Hultman, N. E., Boyd, E., Roberts, T., Corbera, E., Ebeling, J., Liverman, D. M., Brown, K., Tippmann, R., Cole, J., Mann, P., Kaiser, M., Robbins, M., Bumpus, A., Shaw, A., Ferreira, E., Bozmoski, A., Villiers, C. and Avis, J. (2007). The Clean Development Mechanism: An assessment of current practice and future approaches for policy, Tyndall Centre Working Paper.
Kepes, F., Ed. (2007). Biological Networks. Complex Systems and Interdisciplinary Science. London, World Scientific.
Kendall, T and McGoey, L. (2007) “Truth, disclosure and the influence of industry on the development of NICE guidelines: An interview with Tim Kendall.” BioSocieties. 2(1): 129-140. [download pdf].
König, A. (2007). Does radical innovation predispose a firm to a lack of social connectedness? Can improved governance practices compensate? (pdf) A case study on Monsanto, genetically modified crops and stakeholder dialogue.
Lezaun, J. 'A market of opinions: the political epistemology of focus groups', The Sociological Review, Volume 55, Supplement 2, October 2007 , pp. 130-151.
Lezaun, J (with Linda Soneryd) 'Consulting citizens: technologies of elicitation and the mobility of publics' Public Understanding of Science, Vol. 16, No. 3, 279-297 (2007)
McGoey, L. (2007) "Betrayed by their Disciples" (Review of Tim Congdon's Keynes, Keynesians, and Monetarism). Spectator, 7 November 2007
McGoey, L. (2007) “Pharmaceutical Hope” (Review of Andrew Lakoff’s Pharmaceutical Reason: Knowledge and Value in Global Psychiatry). Science as Culture 16(4): 489-493
McGoey, L. (2007) “On the will to ignorance in bureaucracy.”Economy and Society, 36(2): 212-235. [download pdf]
McGoey, L. (2007) "The windfalls after the storm" (Review of Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine: The rise of disaster capitalism). Spectator, 27 October 2007
McGoey, L. (2007) Review of Adam Hedgecoe’s Politics of Personalised Medicine. British Journal of Sociology 58(1): 146.
Neyland, D. (2007). Governance, Accountability and Neglected Diseases, European Union.
Neyland, D. (2007) Organizational Ethnography Sage:London
Onnela, J-P, Cellphone study shows the ties that bind nations, New Scientist, 24 April 2007.
Onnela, J-P, Emergence of communities in weighted social networks,CCP2007, Brussels, September 2007.
Onnela, J-P, Flüchtige Bekanntschaften halten die Info-Gesellschaft zusammen, Spiegel Online, 25 April 2007.
Onnela, J-P, Heikot linkit - verkon elinehto, Helsingin Sanomat, 29 May 2007.
Onnela, J-P, Main street bias in epidemiological surveys of conflict mortality, Helsinki, July 2007.
Onnela, J-P, Study maps network of 7 million cell phone users,PhysOrg.com, 12 May 2007.
Pielke Jr, R. A. (2007). Commentary - Who has the ear of the president? Nature 450, 347-348 (15th November 2007)
Pielke Jr, R. A., (2007) The Honest Broker: Making Sense of Science in Policy and Politics Cambridge University Press: Cambridge
Prins, G. and Rayner, S. (2007) Climate policy after 2012, when the Kyoto treaty expires, needs a radical rethink. More of the same won't do, argue (full article in Nature)
Prins, G. and Rayner, S. (2007). The Wrong Trousers: Radically rethinking climate policy, Oxford, James Martin Institute for Science and Civilization.
Rayner, S. and Prins, G, (2007) Time to ditch Kyoto, Nature, 25 Oct 2007
Reed-Tsochas, F. and Johnson, N., Eds. (2007) Complex Systems and Interdisciplinary Science book series
Schneider, T. and T. Davis (2007) ‘(Trans)forming the consuming self: Breakfast and nutrition discourse in Australia 1951-2001’, Conference of The European Sociological Association (Research Stream: Sociology of Consumption), Glasgow, UK.
Schneider, T. and T. Davis (2007) ‘Defining the healthy food consumer. Nutrition discourse in Australia in the 20th century’, Canadian Association for Food Studies, Annual Conference. Saskatoon, Canada.
Sharpe, B. and K. van der Heijden (eds.), (2007) Scenarios for Success: Turning Insights Into Action, B. Sharpe and K. van der Heijden (eds.): Chichester: Wiley.
Tickell, C. (2007). China's Green Revolution. Business at Oxford. 11: 24-25.
Ventresca, M. J. and Zhao, M. (2007). Institutional Innovation: Network Brokering and System Building Skoll-Zhejiang International Forum on Social Entrepreneurship Hangzhou, China May 2007.
Ventresca, M. J. and Zhao, M. (2007). Institutional Innovation: Network Brokering and System Building European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Vienna, Austria, July 2007.
Ventresca, M. J. and Zhao, M. (2007). System Builders: Lessons for ecosystem and infrastructure from the work of T. Hughes. SBS Course Note, Said Business School.
Wahlberg, A. and McGoey, L. (2007)An Elusive Evidence Base: The Governance and Construction of Randomised Controlled Trials (Special issue of BioSocieties, Volume 2 (1).
Wilkinson, A. (2007) 'Looking to Our Energy Futures'. World Conservation. 37, 33-34.
Wilkinson, A. (2007). 'ESRC Scenario Building Workshop report'. Oxford, James Martin Institute.