2005 Publications

Journal articles

Baptista, I. and Vasconcelos, L.T. (2005). Muddling through complex contexts: Making sense out of a myth. Antropológicas 9: 7-119

Caswill, C. (2005). "Whose Agency? Looking forward to the Virtual Research Council." Information, Communication and Society 8(1): pp. 1-29.

Dopson, S. (2005). "The Diffusion of Medical Innovations: Can figurational sociology contribute?" Organization Studies 2 6(8): 1125-1144.

König, A. (2005). "Democratising Decision-Making on Food Safety in the EU: Closing gaps between principles of governance and practice." Minerva 45: 275-294.

Lach, D., Ingram, H. and Rayner, S. (2005). "Maintaining the Status Quo: How institutional norms and practices create conservative water organizations." University of Texas Law Review 83: 2027-2053.

Lach, D., Rayner, S. and Ingram, H. (2005). "Taming the Waters: Strategies to domesticate the wicked problems of water resource management." 2005 3(1): 1-17.

Onnela, J-P., Saramäki, J., Kertész, J., and Kaski, K., (2005) Intensity and coherence of motifs in weighted complex networks, Physical Review E 71, 065103.

Ramirez, R. (2005). "The Aesthetics of Cooperation." European Management Review 2(1): 28-35.

Ramirez, R. and Arvidsson, N. (2005). "The Aesthetics of Business Innovation: An exploratory distinction of two archetypes." Innovation: Management, Policy and Practice 7(4): 373-388.

Rayner, S., Ingram, H. and Lach, D. (2005). "Weather Forecasts are for Wimps: Why water resource manages do not use climate forecasts." Climatic Change 69(2-3): 197-277.

Chapters in Books and Proceedings

‘Issues spark a public into being: A key but often forgotten point of the Lippmann-Dewey debate,’ Making Things Public, Bruno Latour and Peter Weibel (eds.), Karlsruhe/Cambridge: ZKM/MIT Press, 2005.

König, A. (2005). Governance of Food Safety in the European Union. Transatlantic Regulatory Harmonization and Multilateral Policy Cooperation for Food Safety. Carruth, R. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.

Ramirez, R. and Devon, C. (2005). The Role and Limits of Methods in Transitional Change Processes. The Transitional Approach in Action. Amado, G. and Vansina, L. London, Karnak Books.

Rayner, S. (2005). Back to roots : commentary on 'viable institutions and scope for incoherence' by Perri 6. Is there value in inconsistency? Daston, L. and Engel, C. Nomos, Baden-Baden.

Tansey, J. (2005). Exciting the Collective Imagination. Social Capital and Sustainable Development: Is there a link? Dale, A. Vancouver, University of Bitish Columbia Press.

Tansey, J. (2005). The Problem of Beckett's Trousers: A critical review of industrial ecology. Linking Industry and Ecology: A Question of Design. Cote, R., Dale, A. and Tansey, J. Vancouver, University of British Columbia Press.

Tansey, J., Carmichael, J., Talwar, S. and Robinson, J. (2005). Where do we want to be? Making sustainability indicators integrated, dynamic and participatory. Community Indicators Measuring Systems. Phillips, R. Aldershot, Ashgate.

Tansey, J. and Robinson, J. (2005). Georgia Basin Futures Project. Encylopedia of Science, Technology and Ethics, Macmillan Reference (USA).


Cote, R., Dale, A. and Tansey, J., Eds. (2005). Linking Industry and Ecology: A Question of Design. Vancouver, UBC Press.

Dopson, S. and Fitzgerald, L., Eds. (2005). Knowledge to Action? Evidence based health care in context. . Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Gibson, R., Hassan, S., Holtz, S., Tansey, J. and Whitelaw, G. (2005) Sustainability Assessment: Criteria, Processes and Applications Earthscan:London

Neyland, D. (2005). Biometric Identification: Outlook for the Technical Possibilities. Oxford Analytica consultation paper, Oxford.

Neyland, D. (2005). Privacy, Surveillance and Trust. Intel consultation paper, Intel consultation paper.

Neyland, D. (2005). Safety Camera Programme - Interim report, Department for Transport.

Ravetz, J. (2005) The No-Nonsense Guide to Science Verso:London

Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution. (2005). Crop Spraying and the Health of Residents and Bystanders, London, RCEP.

Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution. (2005). Special Report: Biomass as a renewable energy source, London, RCEP

Schneider, T. (2005) ‘Functional Foods: Are they sociologically interesting?’, The Australian Sociological Association (TASA), Annual Conference, Hobart, Australia. http://www.tasa.org.au/conferencepapers05/papers%20(pdf)/rural_schneider.pdf