2011 Publications

Journal articles

Baptista, I. (2011) How Portugal became an ‘unplanned country’: a critique of scholarship on Portuguese urban development and planning. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 36 (5),1076–1092.

Davies, W. (2011) Economic advice as a vocation: symbioses of scientific and political authority. The British Journal of Sociology, 62 304–323.

Davies, W. (2011) Knowing the Unknowable: The Epistemological Authority of Innovation Policy Experts. Social Epistemiology, 25 (4).

Davies, W. (2011) Political economy of unhappiness. New Left Review, 71, 65-80.

Lezaun, J. (2011) Bees, beekeepers, and bureaucrats: parasitism and the politics of transgenic life. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 29(4) 738-756. 

Lezaun, J. (2011) Offshore democracy: launch and landfall of a socio-technical experiment. Economy and Society, 40(4): 553-581.

Marres, N. and Lezaun, J. (2011) Materials and devices of the public: an introduction. Economy and Society, 40(4): 489-509.

Neuhaus, F. & Webmoor, T. (2011) Agile ethics for massified research and visualisation. Information, Communication and Society, 15 (1), 43-65.

Ravetz, J. (2011) ‘Climategate’ and the maturing of post-normal science. Futures, 43 (2011) 149–157.

Ravetz, J. (2011) Postnormal Science and the maturing of the structural contradictions of modern European science. Futures, 43 (2011), 142–148.

Stampnitzky, L. (2011) Disciplining an unruly field: Terrorism tudies and theories of cientific/Iintellectual production. Qualitative Sociology, 34 (1): 1-19.

Chapters in Books and Proceedings

Rubio, F. D. and Lezaun, J. (2011) Technology, legal knowledge and citizenship: on the care of Locked-in Syndrome patients. In: P. Baert and F.D. Rubio (eds.). The politics of knowledge. London: Routledge, 58-78.


Schneider, T. (2011) “Ernest Dichter and motivation research: New perspectives on the making of post-war consumer culture” (edited by S. Schwarzkopf and R. Gries). History of the Human Sciences, 24(5): 180-184.