2014 Publications
Journal Articles
Acuto, M. (2014) Dubai in the middle. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 38.5: 1732-1748.
Acuto, M. (2014) Everyday international relations: Garbage, grand designs and mundane matters. International Political Sociology, 8: 3485-362.
Bellamy, R., Chilvers, J. and Vaughan, N. (2014) Deliberative Mapping of options for tackling climate change: Citizens and specialists 'open up' appraisal of geoengineering. Public Understanding of Science, DOI: 10.1177/0963662514548628.
Calzada, I. (2014), The Right to Decide in Democracy between Recentralisation and Independence: Scotland, Catalonia and the Basque Country. Regions, no 296, 2014 Issue 4, pp. 7-8.
http://rsa.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13673882.2014.11431613#.VTDwSRc0xKo 1.3.
Córdoba Azcárate, M., Domínguez Rubio, F. and Baptista, I. (2014) Enclosures within enclosures and hurricane reconstruction in Cancún. City & Society, 26 (1), 96–119.
Kelly, A. and Lezaun, J. (2014) Urban mosquitoes, situational publics, and the pursuit of interspecies separation in Dar es Salaam. American Ethnologist, 41 (2), 368–383.
Lezaun, J. and Montgomery, C. (2014) Property in motion: Sharing and exclusion in global health R&D. Science, Technology and Human Values.
Markusson, N., Ginn, F., Ghaleigh, N., Scott, V. (2014) 'In case of emergency press here': framing geoengineering as a response to dangerous climate change. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 5 (2), 281-290.
Ramirez, R., Ravetz, J., 2014. Feral futures: Zen and aesthetics. Futures 43(4), 478-487.
Rayner, S. (2014) Wicked problems. Environmental Scientist, 23(2), 4-6.
Soytemel, E. (2014) "Belonging" in the gentrified Golden Horn/Halic neighbourhoods of Istanbul. Urban Geography, DOI: 10.1080/02723638.2014.956419
Watson, J., Kern, F. and Markusson, N. (2014) Resolving or managing uncertainties for carbon capture and storage: Lessons from historical analogues. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 81, 192-204.
Winskel, M., Markusson, N. and Jeffrey, H. et al. (2014) Learning pathways for energy supply technologies: Bridging between innovation studies and learning rates. Technology Forecasting and Social Change, 81, 96-114.
Wong, P.-H. (2014) Maintenance required: The ethics of geoengineering and post-implementation scenarios. Ethics, Policy & Environment. 17(2): 186-191
Wong, P.-H. (2014) The public and geoengineering decision-making: A view from Confucian political philosophy. Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology. Online first published on 20 February 2014.
Chapters in Books and Proceedings
Acuto, M. (2014) An urban affair: How mayors shape cities for world politics. In: S. Curtis (ed.) The power of cities in international relations. London: Routledge.
Calzada, I. (2014) Knowledge building & organizational behaviour: Mondragon case from the social innovation perspective. In: F. Moulaert, D. MacCallum, A. Mehmood and A. Hamdouch (eds.) International handbook of social innovation. Social innovation: collective action, social learning and transdisciplinary research. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (UK) Publishing.
Soytemel, E. and Sen, B. (2014) Networked gentrification: Place making strategies and social networks of middle class gentrifiers in Istanbul. In: D. Kocak and O. Kocak (eds.) Whose city is that? Culture, design, spectacle and capital in Istanbul. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Thrift, N., and Tickell, A. (2014) Respecifying globalisation. In: N. Thrift, A. Tickell, W.H. Rupp and S. Woolgar (eds.) Globalisation in Practice. Oxford University Press.
Woolgar, S. (2014) The lure of the visual: ethnographic distance in studies of visualization. In: S. Woolgar, C. Coopmans, M. Lynch and J. Vertesi (eds.) Representation in scientific practice revisited. MIT Press.
Woolgar, S., Lynch, M., Vertesi, J. and Coopmans, C. (2014) The new representation in scientific practice. In: C. Coopmans, M. Lynch, J. Vertesi, and S. Woolgar (eds.) Representation in scientific practice revisited. MIT Press.
Acuto, M. (ed.) (2014) Negotiating relief. London: Hurst & Co.; New York: Oxford University Press.
Acuto, M. (2014) If mayors ruled the world. International Affairs , 90 (2).
Acuto, M. and Steele, W. (eds.) (2014) Global city challenges: Debating a concept, improving the practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Baptista, I. (2014) African cities: Alternative visions of urban theory and practice, by Garth Myers. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 35 (1), 152-153.
Carusi, A., Hoel, A., Webmoor, T. and Woolgar, S. (2014) Visualisation in the Age of Computerisation. Routledge.
Coopmans, C., Lynch, M., Vertesi, J. and Woolgar, S. (eds.) (2014) Representation in scientific practice revisited. MIT Press.
Lezaun, J. (2014) Iconoclasm in the supermarket. Limn, Issue 4.
Rayner, S. (2014) Global Crisis: War, Climate Change and Catastrophe in the Seventeenth Century, by Geoffrey Parker. Population and Development Review, 40 (4), 12-13
Rayner, S. and Caine, M. (eds.) (2014) The Hartwell approach to climate policy. Earthscan, London.
Thrift, N., Tickell, A., and Woolgar, S. (2014) Globalisation in Practice. Oxford University Press.