2013 Publications

Journal Articles

Acuto, M. (2013) City leadership in the global governance. Global Governance, 19(3), 481-498.

Acuto, M. (2013) The new climate leaders? Review of International Studies, 39 (FirstView), 1-23.

Acuto, M. (2013) World politics by other means? London, city diplomacy and the Olympics. The Hague Journal of Diplomacy, 8(3-4), 287-311.

Baptista, I. (2013) The travels of critiques of neoliberalism: urban experiences from the 'borderlands'. Urban Geography, 34(5), 590-611.

Burch, S., Schroeder, H., Rayner, S. and Wilson, J. (2013) Novel Multi-Sector Networks and Entrepreneurship: The role of small businesses in the multi-level governance of climate change. Environment and Planning C, 31(5), 822-840.

Legido-Quigley, H., Montgomery, C.M., Khan, P., Atun, R., Fakoya, A., Getahun, H. and Grant, A.D.  (2013) Integrating tuberculosis and HIV services in low and middle-income countries: a systematic review. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 18(2), 199-211.

Lezaun, J. and Calvillo, N. (2013) In the political laboratory: Kurt Lewin's "Atmospheres". Journal of Cultural Economy

Lezaun, J. (2013) The escalating politics of 'Big Biology'. BioSocieties, 8, 480-485.

Lezaun, J., Muniesa, F. and Vikkelsø, S. (2013) Provocative containment and the drift of social-scientific realism. Journal of Cultural Economy, 6(4).

Lezaun, J. and Kelly, A. (2013) Walking or waiting? Topologies of the breeding ground in malaria control. Science as Culture, 22(1), 86-107.

Markusson, N. and Chalmers, H. (2013) Characterising CCS learning: The role of quantitative methods and alternative approaches. Technology Forecasting and Social Change, 80(7), 1409-1417.

Porter, N. (2013) Global health cadres: Avian flu management and practical statecraft in Vietnam. Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, 28(1), 64-100.

Porter, N. (2013) Bird flu biopower: strategies for multispecies coexistence in Vietnam. American Ethnologist, 40 (1), 132-148.

Rayner, S., Heyward, C., Kruger, T., Pidgeon, N., Redgwell, C. and  Savulescu, J. (2013) The Oxford principles for geoengineering governance. Climatic Change, 121, 499-512.

Schroeder, H., Burch, S. and Rayner, S. (guest eds.) (2013) Theme issue: Novel multisector networks and entrepreneurship in urban climate governance. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy37 (5).

Schroeder, H., Burch, S. and Rayner, S. (2013) Novel Multi-Sector Networks and Entrepreneurship in urban climate governanceEnvironment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 31(5), 761-768. Guest editorial.

Soytemel, E. (2013) The power of the powerless: neighbourhood based self-help networks of the poor in Istanbul. Women's Studies International Forum, 41 (1), 76–87.

Wong, P-H. (2013) From culture 2.0 to a network state of mind: A selective history of Web 2.0's axiologies and a lesson from it. tripleC - Cognition, Communication, Co-operation,  11(1).

Wong, P.-H. (2013) Confucian social media: An oxymoron? Dao, 12 (3), 283-296.

Woolgar, S. and Lezaun, J. (2013) The wrong bin bag: a turn to ontology in science and technology studies? Social Studies of Science, 43(3), 321-340.

Chapters in Books and Proceedings

Calzada, I. (2013) Knowledge building & organizational behaviour: Mondragon case from the social innovation perspective. In: F. Moulaert, D. MacCallum, A. Mehmood and A. Hamdouch (eds.) International handbook of social innovation. Social innovation: collective action, social learning and transdisciplinary research. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar (UK) Publishing.

Lezaun, J. (2013) The ergonomics of democracy. In: K. Cupers (ed.) User matters: an alternative history of architecture. London: Routledge.

Rayner, S. and Heyward, C. (2013) The inevitability of nature as a rhetorical resource. In: K. Hastrup (ed.) Anthropology and Nature. Abingdon: Routledge.


Acuto, M. (2013) An urban chance: promoting democracy in cities. The Diplomatic Courier, 7(1).

Acuto, M. (2013) Extraordinary cities: Millennia of moral syndrome, world-systems and city/state relations, by Peter J. Taylor. Reviewed in Economic Geography, 89 (4).

Acuto, M. (2013) Global cities, governance and diplomacy: the urban link. London: Routledge.

Acuto, M. and Curtis, S. (eds.) (2013) Reassembling international theory: Assemblage thinking and international relations. London: Palgrave.

Acuto, M. and Khanna, P.  Nations are no longer driving globalization. [Online] Quartz online, 3 May. Available from: http://qz.com/80657/the-return-of-the-city-state/ [Accessed 28 May 2013]

Acuto, M. and Khanna, P. (2013) Return of the City-state? The Atlantic, 26 March 2013.

Baptista, I. (2013) Everyday practices of prepaid electricity in Maputo, Mozambique. InSIS Working Papers, Published 08 July 2013.

Bellamy, R. (2013) Framing geoengineering assessment. Opinion article, Geoengineering our Climate Working Paper and Opinion Article Series. Available at wp.me/p2zsRk-9H, last accessed 29 May 2014.

Haines, S. (2013) Enclosed: conservation, cattle, and commerce among the Q'eqchi' Maya lowlanders, by Liza Grandia. Reviewed in Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 19 (4), 896-898.

Ravetz, J., Healey, P. and Rayner, s. (2013) GM food: Rat reality show blurs quality control. Nature - correspondence.

Woolgar, S. and Neyland, D. (2013) Mundane governance: ontology and accountability. Oxford University Press.